A Personal Guide to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What it Means For You (Currently Unavailable)

Author(s): Susan Flax Posner

Published: Dec 27, 2017

ISBN: 9780808049692
Product Number: 10060472-0001
Volumes: 1
Update Frequency: As Needed

A Personal Guide to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: What it Means For You is focused on the immediate and long-term impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for individual taxpayers. Individuals are more impacted by the provisions of the act than any other class of taxpayer. With the reduction in effective tax rates, the elimination of some deductions, exclusions, and credits coupled with the enhancement of other deductions and credits, individual taxpayers are going to be required to navigate a different maze in making decisions to maximize their tax benefits and minimize their tax liability. This publication provides individuals with easy-to-understand guidance on all of the provisions of the act that directly affect them.

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